[9 Tips] How To Avoid Common Indoor Cycling Injuries

Indoor cycling, most commonly known as Spinning, is one of the most popular and most challenging cardiovascular workouts in this modern-day time. Primarily designed to be suitable for beginners and professionals, a lot of people highly valued the activity for its effectiveness in burning calories, convenience in controlling the bike’s speed and resistance and safety because you need not worry about the busy roads ahead.

However, like all other workout machines, spin bikes may cause unfortunate mishaps and injuries to the cyclist if appropriate precautionary measures are not properly observed. Some of the most common indoor cycling injuries experienced by cyclists include joint and muscle sprains, lower back and neck pains, handlebar palsy, numbness of the foot and hands, and pains in the tendons, shinbone, and kneecaps.

It may be easy to say that injuries are part of the cycling science, but it is more marvelous if every cyclist has the proper orientation to prevent facing mischances. While it is true that spin bike manuals and instructors provide you the most comprehensive ways and means in using the spin bikes to avoid injuries, there are still some important and reasonable things that have to considered by the cyclists in order to minimize the risks of injuries while enjoying the full benefits of the spin bike.

How To Avoid Common Indoor Cycling Injuries

These are 9 most substantial tips to avoid indoor cycling injuries

  1. Punctuality is the best initial action

    Arriving earlier than the expected time, way better to be arriving at the expected time, will give you ample time in checking your spin bike’s conditions and seeking the assistance of your instructor should you find any irregularities in its settings.

  2. Check your bikes

    Prior to doing your exciting cycle routines, make sure to check the detachable parts of your spinners particularly those with metal fasteners. Check if they are tightly set-up to avoid losing parts while you are in the middle of your breathtaking executions.

  3. Make sure you have the appropriate workout attire

    Every cyclist should bear in mind the importance of comfort and appropriate outfit when performing the cycling routines. Denim or super tight jeans and shirts and improper shoes are not going to give you a rewarding performance. Also, it is a lot better to secure the right cycling shoe that will render a well-situated grip to the pedals. You don’t just give yours a stress-free performance, but will make every moment of your cycling class great!

  4. Give yourself a break

    Never overdo your cycling routines. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you want to be an effective player, have yourself a time to breath and relax. This will avoid your body parts, particularly your feet and lower back, in aching which usually leads to unbalance physical condition.

  5. Handle the “handlebars” with care

    We are cognizant and very much aware of your excitement, but you should, at least, avoid gripping the handlebars too tightly. Doing this will surely give you back and shoulder pains because you will be pushing down your upper body weight to it. Just lean back and gently grip the handlebars. Also, make sure that your handlebars are adjusted to a position that makes you comfortable. This will minimize the risk of neck and back strains.

  6. Sit comfortably

    Make sure you adjust the height of your seat for you to sit comfortably and avoid disorientation while cycling. To know if you are on the right track, your one leg should be situated at a 30-degree angle at the bottom of the pedal stroke.

  7. Resistance should be endurable

    Just because your instructor advised that increasing the resistance level of the spin bike will make you sweat better results doesn’t mean that you have to follow all the time. You know yourself better so make sure that you can bear the resistance level to avoid the possibilities of back injury.

  8. Cool down after the cycling routines

    Every cycling class performs cooling down exercises after the exhaustive and strenuous routines. Make sure that you do not miss this very important exercises because this will make your muscles and tendons relax.

  9. See your medical professional

    Before engaging in this kind of indoor spinning workout, it is recommended to have yourself check first by a medical professional to be given proper advice especially to those having previous medical disorders. Your doctor’s recommendation will be a great help to the improvement of your health condition.

Final Verdict

Basic exercise essentials always point to preparation, proper execution and post stretching relaxation. Like all other workout techniques and procedures, it is important to consider safety to prevent injury and accidents. Some people may disregard this fact because of the assumption that machines are engineered to be firmly stable and steady while others think that the more they overdo the routines the better the result will be. If you make sure great spin bikes for the home you can avoid most of your injury chances.

Every cyclist should think about having an action plan! This action plan should include not just your motivations in toning down your bodies and improving your health to be called “fit” but should greatly consider your body’s limitations and safety including the possible safety issues that your machine might have. Watchful prudence to every detail involving your workout routines is not bad at all. In fact, it will save you from injuries and will give you a very productive result.

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